Travis Fried - WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Tania Perez - WRI Mexico

This session explores a “Digital Commons” approach to creating holistic standardized transit data including informal modes and its value for improving planning and service delivery. We take you on a quick tour of DigitalTransport4Africa and DATUM, platforms designed to help facilitate access to data, tools, case studies and networks. Next, we learn from Digital Addis Transit Map with Travis Fried, WRI, Mapeando Santiago with Tania Perez WRI-Mexico City, and Data Driven Nairobi BRT Service Planning with Gabriel Gitau ITDP Africa. Finally, we will work together to explore how to collaboratively develop new projects step-by-step using approaches from the case studies.
In this workshop participants will:
Learn what the “Digital Commons” approach is and how it can help you improve transport planning and services
Know how to access, use and share data on the existing platforms DigitalTransport4Africa and DATUM
Learn a step by step collaborative data collection process by working through a scenario
Learn how to start a collaborative plan for how to collect and use standardized (GTFS) data and apply this to your transport data problems.
Trainer: Jacqueline Klopp, Associate Research Scholar, Center for Sustainable Urban Development in Columbia University
Guest speakers:
Tania Perez, Transportation Planning and Operation Coordinator, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Travis Fried, Research Analyst, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Gabriel Gitau, Transport Planning Associate, ITDP Africa