Patrick Nyirishema - Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA)
Herrie Schalekamp - University of Cape Town
Faela Sufa - ITDP Indonesia

In many Global South cities, transit services are planned and operated independent of each other, and informal services comprise a large portion of the public transit mode share. Run on razor thin margins with no investment from the government, in times of crisis, these systems have no support systems or safety nets to operate. While informal transport has been the locus of innovation and resourcefulness, it also can be chaotic, hard to use, and reflects a lack of investment in the public and a lack of resilience. This session will explore where informal transit needs to go in the next decade so that it is resilient, inclusive, and reduces barriers to access.
Moderator - Benjie de la Peña, Founder/Director, Agile City Partners, Seattle, USA
Deep Dive Discussions - These are concurrent sessions on a specific topic that includes a panel of experts. Participants will also be placed in small groups to delve deeper into questions and ideas that speaker pose.