Manying Hu - The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province
Carlos Javier Vega - Proyecto Alto Perú
Lily Song - Harvard University Graduate School of Design

A major component to the daily life of urban dwellers is access to essential services and key areas. In the wake of COVID-19, the lack of access to critical destinations, such as medical facilities, inviting public spaces, green areas, and affordable and fresh food sources, within a reasonable distance has illustrated the deep inequities in our land use and design. This session will explore the concept and implementation of 15 minute neighborhoods to meet the specific needs of high risk populations, including babies, toddlers, caregivers, and low-income communities.
Moderator - Simon Battisti, Director Qendra Marrëdhënie (Relationship Center), Tirana, Albania
Deep Dive Discussions - These are concurrent sessions on a specific topic that includes a panel of experts. Participants will also be placed in small groups to delve deeper into questions and ideas that speaker pose.